Join us at 10am on Sundays. Can’t join us in-person?
8820 IN-9
Pendleton, IN 46064
Since its inception, Catalyst Church has made care for each other and service to our community a center of our ministry. As we continue to grow and the needs of our families evolve, we would like to offer an easy way to seek help and serve others in a variety of areas.
Questions? We would be delighted to help you!
Email Us
How Can We Pray For You?
Women’s Events
*Attention, ladies! Our Women’s Bible Study will begin the week of September 9th. We will be studying the book of Jude. This study will be for 7 weeks and will be available on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:00 and Thursday mornings from 8:30-10:00. The evening study will be available on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30. In this 7-session study from Jackie Hill Perry, we will dive into themes of being called, loved, and kept, and learn how to point others to Jesus in grace and truth. We serve others well when we share the whole gospel with them, not just the parts deemed attractive by our culture. Please register with the following link.
*Join us for lunch at Taylor’s at exit 214 right after service on September 8th!
*Amy Baker will be hosting a time of fellowship and devotions at Falls Perk on Saturday, September 21st at 10:00 AM. We hope to see you there!
Men’s Bible Study
Our Men’s Bible study and fellowship meets on Saturday mornings from 7:30 AM – 8:45 AM. Meetings will begin on September 7th and will be at the Exchange Coffee Co (5223 Columbus Ave, Anderson). Click here to email with any questions.
Discipleship Leader Training
If you currently lead or are interested in leading a Catalyst Community or Discipleship Group, please mark your calendars and plan to join us directly after church at noon on Sunday, August 18th. Pastor Josh will be leading this short training (30-45 min) and lunch will be provided . Click HERE to fill out a short form letting us know you’re interested.
CATALYST COMMUNITIES – exist as a part of our God-given mission to love people by bringing people together into life-giving communities and relationships. These communities meet in host homes to build a Jesus-centered community on mission – to connect with Jesus and each other, to eat and fellowship together, and provide care, prayer, service, and mission.
D-GROUPS – Catalyst Discipleship Groups (D-groups) are smaller groups of people (3-6) who are meeting regularly for Bible Study, accountability, discovery, and encouragement. These are great for anyone seeking to disciple and be discipled on a deep and intentional level and continue to grow their relationship with Jesus and with others.
Interested in Serving?
Let us help connect you to the opportunities available at Catalyst to live out your purpose and serve others. Learn more about our serving teams below.
Catalyst Kids (Infant-6th Grade)
The Catalyst Kids ministry is a wonderful place to get connected and make a difference in a child’s life. If you love to cuddle with babies, “sing” along with preschoolers, or lead a small group of elementary schoolers…we have a place for you.
Student Ministries (7th-12th Grade)
Our very active Youth Student ministry is always looking for leaders with positions ranging from hospitality coordinators, game masters, group leaders and more. Pouring into our kids in 7th grade and higher is a rewarding and fun experience.
The events team works to bring Catalyst to the community and the community to Catalyst. There are plenty of service opportunities for anyone who loves to plan church-wide events or events that bless the Pendleton & Madison County community.
Our Hospitality team is tagged with the amazing opportunity to welcome members and guests into our Catalyst home each and every week. This team consists of individuals who help greet on Sundays as well as the Connections team that works during the week to follow up with guests from the Sunday before.
From playing an instrument to serving on audio/visual and logistics teams, the worship band & worship arts team is an amazing opportunity to use your talents to praise and glorify God, while blessing the church as you lead them to the same place of praise.
The marketing team provides strategic oversight for church-wide marketing and communications as well as oversees the marketing and communication of the church’s brand and message through various media and events.
Discover Classes
On Sunday, September 10th and 17th, we will be hosting a Discover Catalyst class with Pastor Josh, right after service in the youth room. Childcare and a light lunch will be provided. These sessions will help you discover where Catalyst comes from, where Catalyst is going, and how you can play a part in that journey. Click here to let us know you’re interested in attending or to ask questions.